Earth and Space Sciences

What are the Earth and Space Sciences? 

Earth and space sciences study the phenomena that shape our unique planet and determine its place inthe universe.  For thousands of years people have been fascinated by how the Earth was formed and its position in the heavens.  Many civilizations have worshipped the Earth and the stars but it wasn't until the 16th century that our fascination with these things became science.

During this time advances were made in the study of Earth and space via tghe inventions of the microscope and telescope.  Observations and new advancements in technology have allowed scientists to hunt for facts and develope new theories that help us to understand out planet.  As a result Earth Science is brokent down into the more specialized disciplines of: Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, and Astronomy.

Geology is the study of how the Earth formed, the history of its development, the processes that drive how landforms are created and destroyed, and the overall structure of the solid Earth.

Oceanography is the study of the physical ocean and the mechanisms that drive currents, tides, and creationof underwater landforms.

Meteorology studies the Earth's atmosphere to determine how weather patterns will affectg the Earth's inhabitants.  The study of present and past climate conditions also falls under the auspice of meterology.

Astronomy studies the univers beyond Earth and is probably the oldest branch of Earth science.  Astronomy allows us to understand how the Earth and our solar system formed and provides evidence for what may happen to Earth in the distant and, possibly, not so distant future.

 Week 1 Assignments:

Get to Know Activity                                    

Geochemistry (Periodic Table, groups and Families of elements)


Electronic Copies of Assignments and Lecture Notes 

Geochemistry Lecture (Web).ppt Geochemistry Lecture (Web).ppt
Size : 2686 Kb
Type : ppt
Geochemistry Worksheet (Web).doc Geochemistry Worksheet (Web).doc
Size : 26 Kb
Type : doc

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